RCC Car raffle Drawing December 31, 2024 READ MORE Meet Santa December 14, 2024 2:00PM READ MORE Halloween Kids Party October 26, 2024 2:00PM READ MORE RCC Arts and Crafts Starting November 2nd 3:00PM READ MORE RCC Choir Every Saturday at 2:30PM READ MORE RCC 2025 New Year Celebration December 31, 2024 8:00 READ MORE RCC Anniversary November 30, 2024 5:00PM READ MORE RCC Christmas Tree Exhibit Date to be determined READ MORE

Upcoming Events

News & Stories

Starting September 2024, RCC will offer Romanian Language Courses. 

A 20-week program presented by accredited teachers.

Interested? More details coming soon.
Come join us for game night.
Backgammon, chess, sevens, canasta...
Cultivating connections and exploring opportunities in New York RCC Don't be left behind.
Renew your RCC membership, or become an RCC member...
Hope Rescue Mission Lighthouse Donations RCC flexible fitness program.
All ages and all abilities.
RCC on a trip to Washington DC. RCC Donate for a cause today and receive an RCC item.

Wear kindness proudly!
Romanian Nights
Every first Saturday of every month.


January 2024 – Newsletter

The Romanian Community Center organization is also yours.

We are happy to reconnect now at the beginning of 2024. Along with the traditional New Year’s greeting of Happy New Year, we send you our thanks for the trust you have placed in us and wish you a good year, with wonderful projects and events, alongside people dear to your heart!

With love and gratitude, the team at RCC!

Programs at RCC ~ A new year, a new beginning!

The seminars are offered free of charge to members, but we suggest that participants who wish to do so, make a donation to the RCC organization

You can directly contribute to the success of our programs and develop new ideas alongside us.

AI is for Everyone – Part 1

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

How AI is being used today?

What can AI do for you?

Date: January 16th at 6:00 PM

AI is for Everyone – Part 2

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

How AI is being used today?

What can AI do for you?

Date: January 23rd at 6:00 PM

New Year 2024

Thank you:  Adriana, Corina, Cristina, Doina, Georgiana, Nicoleta, dna Maria Tomoiaga, Sofi, Romana, Cornel, Gabi, Laurentiu, Nicu, Giani, Cristi, Cristian, Doru, Toma, Mircea si Jason for you help. Thank you and your families for their understanding! The New Year’s Eve celebration happened mostly thanks to you. We appreciate your contribution.  Nino, molto grazie, amico! Thank you DJAlex for great music and atmosphere!

“The hall was wonderfully arranged, with taste, the food was excellent, the music was carefully selected, and we danced all night.”


“It was one of the most successful New Year’s Eve parties in the Reading area,” I liked it so much that I would come anytime to events organized by RCC.


Whether you have participated or not in one of our events, we would love to hear

more from you!

Your feedback is invaluable to us and helps us make future events better and more enjoyable. We invite you to fill out our short survey.

Your thoughts and suggestions are greatly appreciated and will be taken into consideration.

Charity Event at RCC – Mary’s shelter

December 21st, 2023 we had the privilege of meeting the incredible individuals at Mary’s Shelter and playing Santa for a Day, bringing a touch of Santa’s magic to the children of Berks County.

RCC Events

Together we will be stronger and better off.

January 24, 2024

General Assembly Meeting

A symbol of renewal and hope, we offer you a “Mărțișor” that will bring luck to its wearer, continuing the traditions that define us.

All activities organized by the Romanian Community Center are made possible with the help of members and volunteers from the community, with financial support from sponsors and donors in Pennsylvania and Romania.  We aim to continue supporting a wide variety of projects, and therefore we invite you to join us as a member.

Charity Event at RCC – Hope Rescue Mission

Do you want to help the disadvantaged in our area? Do you have lightly used clothing or household items that you no longer need?

Let’s help the less fortunate who are seeking shelter at Hope Rescue Mission.

We will be collecting new or lightly used clothes from February 3rd to February 10th at the RCC building in West Lawn.

Romanian Community Center

51 West Lawn Ave

West Lawn, PA 19609

(484) 706-9156

Donation Program

Monday, February 5th – Thursday, February 8th

16:00 – 20:00

Saturday, February 10th

10:00 – 14:00

For deliveries outside the scheduled program, please call us at the number provided.

(484) 706-9156.

If you’re interested in the news, updates, or perspectives from our newsletter, we have great news for you!

This is just the beginning. Discover our world by visiting our website.

MARTISOR BALL - Event participant “Atmosfera a fost de nota 10. Sala a fost foarte frumos amenajată, muzică bună, oamenii au fost nemaipomeniți! Sant convinsă ca toată lumea s-a simțit foarte bine. ” MARTISOR BALL - Event participant "I wanted to take a moment to personally thank you for your incredible efforts in making “Balul Mărțișorului” a success. From the very beginning, it was clear that we had a great team of passionate romanians who were committed to making this event unforgettable...
The presentation of the dishes was so beautiful, and they taste just as good as they look. The appetizers were fresh and delicious. Also the “sarmale in foi de vita” was very tasty. You've done a great job."
MARTISOR BALL - Event participant "We were extremely pleased to attend such a very well organized event. Considering the large number of attendees, the organizers did an amazing job. Food was delicious and plentiful. The open bar was well tended and stocked.
DJ Silviu was on point with the music combination being able to reach people of all ages and preferences.
It was a privilege to be part of such a great community event."
Part 1 MARTISOR BALL - Event participant "Doresc să îmi exprim aprecierea sinceră pentru organizarea excepțională a întâlnirii de ieri a comunității românești. De la aspectele administrative până la logistică, fiecare detaliu a fost planificat și executat cu precizie.

Experiența culinară a fost deosebit de remarcabilă. Aperitivele, felurile principale și deserturile nu au fost doar de o calitate excepțională, dar și delicioase. Prezentarea fiecărui fel de mâncare a fost specială, captând esența tradițiilor noastre culinare bogate cu o notă modernă."
Part 2 MARTISOR BALL - Event participant "De asemenea, am apreciat operațiunea rapidă, dar fluidă a organizatorilor. Această eficiență a contribuit semnificativ la desfășurarea lină a evenimentului, asigurându-se că fiecare participant se poate bucura de festivități fără nicio inconveniență.

Un alt punct de atracție al evenimentului a fost diversitatea în muzică, care a contribuit semnificativ la ambianța excepțională a adunării. DJ-ul a făcut o treabă fantastică, amestecând fără probleme melodii tradiționale cu hituri contemporane, asigurându-se că fundalul muzical a satisfăcut gusturile tuturor participanților."
Part 3 MARTISOR BALL - Event participant "Atenția la detalii a fost evidentă în fiecare aspect al evenimentului, de la aranjamentele florale până la setările mesei și tacâmurile. În plus, calitatea serviciului la bar a fost excepțională, contribuind la o experiență de neuitat pentru toți participanții.

Vă mulțumim încă o dată pentru munca și dedicarea voastră. Eforturile voastre sunt cu adevărat apreciate, și așteptăm cu nerăbdare evenimentele viitoare care să continue să celebreze și să unească comunitatea noastră."
What People are Saying Testimonials

About RCC

Helping others This Organization, firmly committed to a non-political and non-religious stance, operates with the overarching goal of promoting the rich heritage of Romanian culture, while aligning with the values inherent to American society and culture. Promoting Romanian Culture The ROMANIAN COMMUNITY CENTER (RCC) is a non-profit organization established with the primary objective of providing cultural, educational, and charitable support to individuals affiliated with the Romanian culture and community. people_outline Welcoming everyone It is important to emphasize that the RCC extends its welcoming embrace to all individuals who identify with the Romanian culture and its traditions and abides by the Organization’s Bylaws. MORE INFO MORE INFO